Power Sector Carbon Index -- 2017 Q2 Update
Comparing Q2 2017 to Q2 2016
The Power Sector Carbon Index was 947 lb CO2 per MWh in Q2 of 2017, a decrease of 1% when compared to Q2 of 2016. While coal generated the largest share of electricity in Q4 of 2016 and Q1 of 2017, natural gas returned to the top spot in Q2 of 2017. Electricity generation from renewables was 23% higher in the second quarter of 2017 when compared to the second quarter of 2016, which contributed to the lower Power Sector Carbon Index value. Q2 of 2017 was the first time ever that the share of electricity from renewables was higher than the share of electricity from nuclear.
Comparing Annual Performance to 2005
The rolling annual average of the Power Sector Carbon Index for the past four quarters was nearly 24% lower than the annual value in 2005, decreasing from 1,324 lbs of CO2 per MWh to 1,004 lbs of CO2 per MWh (or 600 to 456 g CO2 per kWh).
Highlights of the 2017 Q2 Results
- The Power Sector Carbon Index was down by 1% in Q2 2017 when compared to Q2 2016.
- Total electricity generation was down 0.6% in Q2 2017 (978 Million MWh) when compared to Q2 2016 (984 Million MWh).
- Coal generation was up by 5% in Q2 2017 (283 million MWh) when compared to Q2 2016 (270 million MWh). Coal represented 29% of total generation in Q2 2017.
- Carbon intensity of coal generation was down by less than 1% in Q2 2017 (2,252 lb CO2 per MWh) when compared to Q2 2016 (2,258 lb CO2 per MWh).
- Natural gas generation was down by 13% in Q2 2017 (297 million MWh) when compared to Q2 2016 (342 million MWh). Natural gas represented 30% of total generation in Q2 2017.
- Carbon intensity of natural gas generation was flat in Q2 2017 (938 lb CO2 per MWh) when compared to Q2 2016 (937 lb CO2 per MWh).
- Renewable electricity generation was up by 23% in Q2 2017 (203 Million MWh) when compared to Q2 2016 (164 million MWh). Renewables represented 21% of total generation in Q2 2017.
- Nuclear electricity generation was down by 6% in Q2 2017 (185 Million MWh) when compared to Q2 2016 (196 million MWh). Nuclear represented 19% of total generation in Q2 2017.
- Total direct CO2 emissions from the power sector in Q2 2017 were 420 billion metric tons, down 1.7% from 434.2 billion metric tons in Q2 of 2016.